Shaping the Future

 Module 5


Leadership Development


To Become Your Best Self, Study Your Successes

“In this article we introduced the Reflected Best Self Exercise (RBSE), a tool based on our academic research which is now used by thousands of people globally in corporate trainings, team building, executive leadership programs, and in graduate and undergraduate courses in a variety of disciplines.”

Leading Groups & Teams Forward


Group Dynamics: it’s characteristics, stages, types and other details

“Every organization is a group unto itself. A group refers to two or more people who share a common meaning and evaluation of themselves and come together to achieve common goals. In other words, a group is a collection of people who interact with one another; accept rights and obligations as members and who share a common identity.”

Future Purpose


Your Company’s Purpose Is Not Its Vision, Mission, or Values

“We hear more and more that organizations must have a compelling “purpose” — but what does that mean? Aren’t there already a host of labels out there that describe organizational direction? Do we need yet another?”

Visualisaton (Akin to our “Future History” activity)



“The great thing about visualization is that you can use it in so many areas of your life. Do you want a promotion? Do you want to make more friends at the office? Do you want to start your own business?”


The Power Of Visualization And How To Use It

“You can’t really argue with Oprah, can you? And it’s not only her who believes in the power of affirmations and visualizations. Jim Carrey apparently wrote a check of over $ 10 million to himself every night during the time when he wasn’t famous yet. It so happened that three years later, he received exactly this amount for starring in Dumb and Dumber.”

Leading Through Uncertainty


6 Strategies for Leading Through Uncertainty

“If there was ever any doubt about the importance of a leader’s ability to navigate change, uncertainty, and disruption, the emergence of the global pandemic in 2020 made this necessity abundantly clear. And while we all hope to avoid future pandemics, one thing is certain — we cannot avoid ever-increasing complexity.”


How to lead during uncertain times

“The following posts are those, related to leadership, that our readers have turned to most since the pandemic started. Collectively, they offer a well-rounded primer on how to lead a team to success—during uncertain times or during business as usual.”


5 Leadership Qualities For Navigating Uncertainty And Turbulent Times

“Compassionate leadership gains heightened importance when businesses are strained. Leaders should connect with their teams on an emotional level, understanding their apprehensions and worries and displaying genuine concern for their well-being.”