Leadership Culture

 Module 3


Leading Others


Creating Empowered Cultures

“David Marquet shares his story of his own ‘intent-based’ approach to leadership when Commander of the nuclear submarine ‘Santa Fe’. In a year he turned the crew into one of the best by replacing the military’s traditional “leader-follower” or command-and-control structure with a “leader-leader” model in which staff take responsibility for problems and solutions rather than waiting to be told what to do.”

Leadership Mindset



“Read this Harvard Business Review article that outlines the challenge around developing self awareness within organisations”


Think Again

“In his most recent New York Times best-selling book Think Again, Adam Grant makes a strong argument about the need to constantly re-think our assumptions and beliefs.”


“Read this short LinkedIn article and write down in your journal 3 work situations in the last 12 months where you have re-thought your position.”


“As an added bonus complete this short quiz to find out which of Adam Grant’s 3 modes (Preacher, Prosecutor, Politician) you may default to most!”