Relationships that Matter

 Module 2




Transformation and Vulnerability

“Watch this 3 minute film by the ever-awesome Brenee Brown”

Leading Others


Coaching using GROW

“This simple 4-minute video demonstration is a useful reminder of the GROW process well – a tool which you can use to overcome resistance. create engagement and improve performance.”



Genuinely motivating others is a key leadership skill. What is it that all these different people most need, and how is that different from what they needed yesterday and will need tomorrow? How does this balance with the business needs, team needs and your needs - which all might be different? In 1985 Deci and Ryan (University of Rochester Psychologists) published their work on Self Determination Theory (SDT), shifting the conversation from ‘motivate by incentives’ to ‘motivate by autonomy, belonging and competence’. Since 1985 SDT has proliferated lots of useful work that might help you think about how you motivate others.

Dan Pink builds on this research to focus on the power of ‘Autonomy, Mastery, Belonging and Purpose’ as the key motivators. Watch his TED talk and reflect on both your own motivation, and your role in motiovating colleagues across the ecosystem. Where are there big wins for you and your leadership?


Joy at Work

“At the design stage of the programme Andrea shared this interesting article on ‘joy at work’ with us from Fastcompany.”


Developing High Performance Teams

“In this excellent podcast Patrick Lencioni and his team dig into The Five Dysfunctions of a Team model and use the Table Group's Online Team Assessment to help listeners identify the dysfunction on their own teams.”