Complexity, Stories and Feedback

 Module 3

Exploring the Lake District; Walks, paddles, discussions, reflection and handmade pizza!



Cynefin Framework

“Practice using the Cynefin framework the next time you have an important decision to make at work. Aim to identify the domain you're in correctly, and use the appropriate decision-making approach to process information and move forward.”

The Art of Noticing

Pearls Before Breakfast

Each passerby had a quick choice to make, one familiar to commuters in any urban area where the occasional street performer is part of the cityscape: Do you stop and listen? “

Why Do We Fail to See Beauty?

How many are inclined to pass by a subway performer because they hold a negative stereotype about these folks? Unfortunately, assumptions about people based on appearance, socioeconomic status, or related variables are far too common in our society.”

The Joy of Noticing

“Small child, now with toy police car is yelling, “NEE NAW, NEE NAW” whilst crawling along the aisle simultaneously head-butting people’s arms. The smell is now omnipresent.”

Why Leaders Should Tell Stories

Storytelling for Leaders: What Makes a Great Story?

If we remember who the memorable people in our lives have been, whether it be from movies, school or politics, we usually remember those with great presence and ability to communicate well.”